In the world of e-commerce, true craftsmanship lies in creating a seamless, unified experience. It’s not just about building new products and features; it’s about ensuring they work together harmoniously. Shopify’s Summer ’24 Edition embodies this philosophy with over 150 updates designed to create a faster, more resilient, and more integrated platform for merchants. Here’s a look at some of our favorite features and how they’re transforming the way we help our clients succeed.
One of the standout features in this update is the reimagined Markets tool. Previously a cross-border selling solution, Markets has evolved into a comprehensive command center for growth and expansion. This is particularly exciting for us as it simplifies the process of selling internationally, expanding into B2B, and selling in person with Shopify POS.
For instance, we had a client who faced significant roadblocks in enabling B2B sales to a vendor in Thailand. With the new Markets tool, they can now customize buyer experiences and manage everything from one central location in their admin. This eliminates the need for additional third-party software and streamlines their operations.
One of the features we’re most excited about is the suggested replies for Shopify Inbox. Providing real-time answers to customer inquiries can be time-consuming, but this feature offers AI-generated responses based on information specific to your store. You can approve or edit the response and send it while keeping the customer's attention. This enhancement will significantly improve efficiency and customer satisfaction.
We recently installed Shopify Inbox on our client Nothing But Goodz’s site, which has created a direct line to customers and transformed inquiries into sales opportunities. The app integrates seamlessly into the store, allowing us to recommend products and guide customers through their shopping journey. Customer chat tools like this can drive a significant increase in conversion rates, with studies showing up to a 40% increase in conversions when live chat is used effectively.